The Project

I can't tell you how many times I've heard this one: "She's got a career, is a mother of four, makes her own produce in her backyard, can cook for a party of 10 without batting an eyelash, AND runs a successful BLOG!  She does it ALL!"  Well, I'm not a mother, have dabbled in the art of gardening only to realize I can't bring myself to eat food I've seen bugs mate on, I will cook only if my life is threatened, BUT, ladies and gents. I can definitely start a blog.  World domination Martha Stewart style is beginning to unfold for me.  I am, to say the least, very excited.

Like many twenty something girls, I am in the process of "finding myself".  Now before you shirk, take note I am not in the business of dabbling in what the kids call "emo poetry writing".  I've got a diary for that.  Or at least something that I'm going to make sure my poor future children never get their hands on after my death, as I only seem to get the urge when I've got "man issues".  I'm sure you can relate, but that's another blog entirely.

Back to the point.  I have a project.  I don't know about you, but for the most part, I'm pretty sure my happiness and satisfaction in life does not rest on the thrill of climbing a corporate ladder.  It's not lifted by the excitement of a new relationship (although those are quite fun), nor is it supported by an urge to be remembered by the world.  Its buoyancy ebbs and flows on a current of never ending projects.  My newest project is simply this: compile all of my hobbies and "on a dime" mini-projects into a force to be reckoned with by the world power that is Martha Stewart (and company).

Am I grandiose?  Definitely ;)  But every great master, although seemingly timeless, becomes dated.  And in this era of thriftiness and "staycations", even the house wife with a hedge fund can't find a good reason to buy $12 whole vanilla beans when she damn well knows vanilla extract won't be the topic of conversation among her "thankful they just got an invitation" dinner guests.  Now don't get me wrong, the art of entertaining is a dying one that I am all about keeping alive, but let's be real.  Entertaining and home decor is all THEATRE.  Give me the name of one scenic designer that uses brand name anything and I will give you an out of work thespian.  Good Will and Home Depot are the two most frequently used words in any good theatre designer's vocabulary, and for very good reason: they have the budget of a third world community organizer.  And I'll bet you that I am not the only one that can relate.

So I've created a space to share with all of you who are in the same boat that I am all of the tricks and tools so many have used before me, as well as a few creations of my own.  With any luck, I'll have a full library of goodies by the end of the year.  Let's just cross my fingers that I won't get bored and take up something crew or something ridiculous of that nature.  Here goes nothin'. :)